We ended up presenting our project on Thursday may 29 using a Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation. Our project was indeed a success, the reason for this being that I learned a decent amount of guitar in such a short span of time that our method of learning guitar proved to be superior. Especially compared to conventional methods such as learning from YouTube, or having to read the notes in front of you. It is always better to have someone with more experience right in front of you teaching you first-hand. Also compared to other people our group was one of the few that actually managed to finish their project. This means that we were dedicated to learning and improving ourselves so much so, that we pushed ahead and finished what needed to be done. Overall I believe that if we had started with this project in the first place the final result would have been ten times better, because we would have gotten much more time to practice and to go over the steps that are needed to master the legendary instrument that was used before there brass instruments were even invented, the guitar...................